Thibault Desaules


The Föhn

Vigousse-Thibault Desaules


2022 / 2023

As part of coproduction project

“Kriegt der Knecht vom Föhn einen Wahn, schlachtet er den Wetterhahn“ (“A stable hand driven mad by the foehn will kill the weathercock”)

— Saying of a German peasant

By posing this postulate, the desire through this creation is to seek the range of the multiple personalities which animate us.
I like to think that a person has more personalities than those attributed to him. Therefore, with this piece, I want to invite the performers to dig into the plurality of themselves, by asserting themselves and proposing different personalities. I have very precise visual images concerning the body in space, which I want to play with by deconstructing and reconstructing them in a shifted way.

I want to start from concrete situations or everyday behaviors and add layers to them as I go along so that these situations take a lively and improbable turn. The execution of these scenes becomes complex because there are a multitude of tasks to perform at the same time, which is what makes the proposal funny and dynamic.

— Thibault Desaules

Premiere : October 2023, Le Croiseur in Lyon


Choreography: Thibault Desaules
Performers: Guillaume Forestier, Lysandre Korelis, Salomé Rebuffat
Assistant choreographer: Zoé Lecorgne
Lighting designer: Romane Lavigne
Costumes: Gabrielle Marty
Sound: Benjamin Hutter
Set design: Anaïs Aublet-Cuvelier
Coproduction: Centre Chorégraphique National de Rillieux-la-Pape, direction Yuval Pick ; Le Croiseur – Lyon, dans le cadre des scènes découvertes danse
Partners and residencies: CN D in Lyon, as part of Accueil studio, DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, les SUBS in Lyon ; Chatha studio in Lyon