Creation 2024 (in progress)
Duet & solo
Yuval Pick wishes to create a privileged, unobtrusive harmony between the expressiveness of the body and an existing musical composition, Bach's Goldberg Variations performed by Rosalyn Tureck.
Première in 2023
Creation for 10 dancers
Inspired by phantasmagorical images and archaic rituals, Silver Rosa brings to life the visceral need to create bonds between individuals.
Première in 2021
Creation for 4 dancers
FutureNow refocuses attention on themes that are fundamental to everyone’s lives: childhood, the roots of subjectivity, construction of the self, and creativity.
Première in 2020
Creation for 8 dancers
Vocabulary of need questions the rhythmic modalities of the group by developing an orchestral language for eight dancers, inspired by J.S. Bach’s Partita in D minor.
Première in 2020
Creation in situ for 4 dancers
Mingling with the public, Yuval and his dancers present their dance in public spaces, creating an emotional, festive shared experience in three unusual cultural places.
Première in 2018
Creation for 5 dancers
Acta est fabula is a manifesto of the body, movement and voice, giving birth to a new hymn that brings us together.
The CCNR is recruiting its new director!
Direction will be entrusted to a choreographer or choreographers with national and international recognition, who can demonstrate an openness to other artistic fields.
— Applications until October 22, 2024;
— Start date: September 1st, 2025 under an initial 4 year agreement.
→ Consult the offer.
Multiples 24/25
The 4th edition of the CCNR magazine is hot off the press!
The paper version of Multiples is available at around one hundred locations in the lyon metropolitan area.
→ Browse its dematerialized version here.
Practice open classes*
Dancers' training
September 30 to October 4, 10am — 11:30am
CCNR dance studio, Rillieux-la-Pape
→ 6€ per workshop upon registration:
*For professional dancers only
Sentir la Fibre
Workshops for all
Every Monday (outside school vacations), 7pm — 8:30pm
CCNR dance studio, Rillieux-la-Pape (location here)
→ 6€ per workshop upon registration:
Practice, an object of research
In 2025, Rafael Molina will conduct a research project entitled “A critical look at Yuval Pick's Practice method: identification, formalization and training of transmitters”. His work will be conducted with the support of the CN D and in partnership with three dance colleges: The Place in London, the Junior Ballet de Genève and the CNSMD in Lyon.