Relevant Company

Associate Artist

Relevant © Jim Lassouille


Associate Artist

The Company

The members of Relevant Dance Company are all from Lyon.
They decided to form their own company in 2016 after taking part in “Ba-bel 8.3”, a participatory project led by the Maison de la Danse de Lyon and choreographed by Abou Lagraa. They are interested in exploring other dance styles and worlds, motivated and driven by the creative energy of hip-hop. Their aim is to address human and social issues, all the while challenging and questioning contemporary society.



For this new creation, a quintet, the company wants to deal with the particularity of each member who makes up a group. What is the relationship between the individual and the group? The individual is built and nourished by the group, and the group allows the identity of each member to develop. To address this notion of individuality within the group, the particularities and qualities of each dancer will be brought to the fore. Throughout the piece, each dancer’s own movements will be highlighted, like an ode to difference.

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Winner of Hip Hop Games 2019

Upshot examines the behaviors, habits and attitudes of individuals when faced with a group. Excluded, included, marginalized. In turn, each of the dancers use their own distinct choreographic vocabulary to interpret different social roles, drawing on the tools they already have and those they must acquire to join the group. Their movements and bodies become a way of representing themselves to others, of talking about themselves, of starting a dialogue. This piece dramatizes the confrontation between individual and group, the degrees of inclusion or exclusion, and takes us on a journey that explores symbols and representations of the self.

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Agenda 2025

Upshot — January 28 at Le Relais Culturel – Théâtre de Haguenau
— March 7 at L’Ombrière, Uzès
→ Info & reservations
Block Party — October 26 at Le Tapis Volant, Rillieux-la-Pape, as part of Street-Art Festival

Agenda 2024

STAND OUT (extracts) — January 29 to February 2 at the CCNR dance studio, Rillieux-la-Pape*
— March 19 at the Théâtre Astrée, Villeurbanne
→ Info & reservations
Block Party — May 25 at La Maison de la danse of Lyon (Festival 8ème)
STAND OUT — May 28 at L’Épicerie Moderne, Feyzin, as part of “Ça danse !” Festival
Upshot — June 13 at Paul Emile Victor Middle School, Rillieux-la-Pape*

Upshot — June 14 at Mario Meunier School, Monbrison
Bal hip-hop — July 6 on CCNR forecourt, Rillieux-la-Pape, as part of festival Cocotte 2024

*Reserved for specific audiences only

The dancers

His dance practice is enriched by a theatricality and emotional work that reinforces the choreographic vocabulary acquired during his training as a performer. He began hip-hop at the age of 15, then trained as a self-taught dancer before joining a professional dancer-performer training program in Lyon. Through various artistic and cultural projects, he has enriched his vocabulary through mediation and transmission to a variety of audiences. Marwan has worked with the HKC company as a performer and has taken part in various projects with the Danser sans frontières association in France and abroad. Passionate about exchanges, he draws on his encounters to develop his artistic lexicon.

His curiosity and thirst for learning led him to discover gestures during workshops with Jann Galloi, Mickaël Le Mer and David Drouard.
In 2017, he joined the first class of the ID (Interprète Danseur) training program based in Feyzin (69) and run by Cie De Fakto, where he discovered many different choreographic worlds.
Freddy has worked with Compagnie Ma' on the piece Si c'est une fille and with Compagnie HKC on Urgence.

He joined ID training in 2017 with the desire to become a professional. He approaches dance in a very musical way, and his approach to contemporary dance, Bboying and House allows him to develop his own gestures. This curiosity has led him to a highly musical dance, mixing lightness and power, a versatile dance that he knows how to adapt to his environment, a hybrid dance that blends his different influences. In 2018, he joined Compagnie Relevant, while also working with other companies in the Lyon region and beyond (Cie Kham, collectif AR, Concert de l'Hotel Dieu, Cie 100 Blazes).

Later, he explored Latin dance and began teaching hip-hop at the age of 18. He developed a passion for transmission and encounters. In 2018, he joined the ID training program. He continues to teach but prefers to work as a performer, joining several companies, including Compagnie Relevant. Since his training, he has been interested in contemporary dance and various artistic aesthetics. He has worked with the De Fakto, Kham and DADR (David Drouard) companies.

After taking part in the Babel 8.3 project, it was at the age of 16 that he began to professionalize as a dancer-performer and decided to join the ID training program in Feyzin. Karym's many influences and open-mindedness enable him to discover and practice other dance styles. It is with curiosity that he nourishes his choreographic work to develop a hybrid style, combining powerful, explosive dance with a very aerial aesthetic. He also works as a performer for HKC and Dyptik.

Photo © Jim Lassouille