


Anne Martin - Unwandlung



As part of coproduction project

I have again and again grown like grass;
I have experienced seven hundred and seventy moulds.
I died from minerality and became vegetable.
And from vegetativeness I died and became animal.
I died from animality and became man.
Then why fear desappearance through death?
— Nowlana Roumi


I have just turned 68… What remains, after having lived intensely all these years, rubbed shoulders with immense life, water, love, earth, dance, birth, music, fire, the beating of the heart, death, the last breath, the first, the painful dawn, the trembling, the thundering laughter, the oceans of tears, the dancing cells, the infinite and resonant waves…

Well, it’s all there!… The inner flame, the poetic urgency, intact, I would even say multiplied tenfold by all the trials, gentle or serious, the encounters, the ways of life, often survival… Crossed by all these breaths of life, I now feel the imperious desire to seek to scratch to dig deeper…

What is my dance, at 68 years old, what is this breath of life, the one that leaves us only at the moment of our physical death, how do our cells renew themselves, until the end, what do they blow me to dance, here and now…

— Anne Martin, November 2022

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Creation, choreography, dance: Anne Martin
Drafts: Gilles Nicolas
Lighting design: Rémi Nicolas 
Costumes: Julia von Leliwa
Video: Jérémy Tran
Video & Sound assistant: Xavier Boyer

Production: Stéphane Marvy

Coproduction: Centre Chorégraphique National de Rillieux-la-Pape, direction Yuval Pick, Festival Montpellier Danse, Centre de Création Chorégraphique TROIS-CL, CN D, Association Mä…

Photo © DR