16 de January de 2024 The Company on tour

NIMIS, it’s more than enough. NIMIS, it’s excessively too much. 

Here, we announce our gluttony, that human desire that drives us to always want more despite what we already have. The dancers go through the piece in the company of this guilty pleasure in a way that makes it as distressing as it is comforting. NIMIS, is this desire to offer a choreographic creation based on our desire to taste and above all to taste more and more.

– Thibault Desaules, October 2023

August 30, 2024 at 8pm
Place des Retrouvailles, Villeurbanne / as part of Festival des Rêveries et des Arts Populaire of the Centre social Les Buers
August 31, 2024 at 3pm & 5pm
La Demeure du Chaos, Saint-Romain-au-Mont-d'Or
NIMIS, Thibault Desaules pour YuPi, la jeune compagnie du CCNR © Sébastien Erôme
NIMIS, Thibault Desaules pour YuPi, la jeune compagnie du CCNR © Sébastien Erôme
NIMIS, Thibault Desaules pour YuPi, la jeune compagnie du CCNR © Sébastien Erôme


Choreography: Thibault Desaules
Artistic support: Sharon Eskenazi
Performers: Salomé Rebuffat (replacing Laurie Kokoreff-Brütt), Johanna Ekström, Lucie Besançon, Florian Homs-Roger, Raphaël Quintanel

Music: Benjamin Hutter
Voice: Valérie Niquet
Artistic advice: Sharon Eskenazi
Costumes: Thibault Desaules with the support of Marlène Hemont
Technique: Jean-Philippe Rabilloud

Production: CCNR/Yuval Pick

Length: 25 min

Photos: Sébastien Erôme



May 24, 2025
L'Embarcadère, Vorey (Haute-Loire)
With YuPi, the young CCNR company
April 4 2025 at 20pm
With YuPi, the young CCNR company, as part of "Danse au fil d'avril" festival


September 19, 2024
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon — private evening by invitation only
With YuPi, the CCNR young company
15 septembre 2024
Saint André de Corcy, dans le cadre du Hors-Saison du festival Cuivres en Dombes
Avec YuPi, la jeune compagnie du CCNR
August 31, 2024 at 3pm & 5pm
La Demeure du Chaos, Saint-Romain-au-Mont-d'Or
With YuPi, the CCNR young company


August 30, 2024 at 8pm
Place des Retrouvailles, Villeurbanne / as part of Festival des Rêveries et des Arts Populaire of the Centre social Les Buers
With YuPi, the CCNR young company
May 25, 2024 at 4pm
Place des Écoles, Saint-Rambert-en-Bugey / as part of L'Albarine&Kloro-Fil
With YuPi, the CCNR young company
May 23, 2024 at 7pm
Station Mue, Lyon
With YuPi, the CCNR young company


May 11, 2024 at 5pm
Studio D5, Saint-Julien-Molin-Molette
With YuPi, the CCNR young company
April 5, 2024
Le Croiseur, Scène Découverte désoblique, Lyon
With YuPi, the CCNR young company
March 7, 2024
CCNR dance studio, Rillieux-la-Pape
With YuPi, the CCNR young company

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