Into the silence

5 de December de 2023 The Company on tour
Into the

“I want to create a poetic dialogue between dancers and audiences that makes the space vibrate.”
— Yuval Pick

In the evening Into the silence, composed of a female duet and a male solo, Yuval Pick aims to create a privileged, artifice-free harmony between the expressiveness of the body and an existing musical composition. The choreographer feels the need to make visible the rich and abundant aspect of a dancing body. Inspired by Jean-Sébastien Bach’s Goldberg Variations, he wishes to develop a compositional and sensory approach that responds to the intervals produced by Rosalyn Tureck’s sensitive interpretation.

October 19 + 20, 2024
Scenario Pubblico — Compagnia Zappalà Danza, Catania (Italy)
October 25, 2024
Ecomuseo Mare Memoria Viva, Palermo (Italy), as part of Prima Onda Festival
Into the silence, création 2024 Yuval Pick © Honorine Reussard - CCNR
Into the silence, création 2024 Yuval Pick © Honorine Reussard - CCNR
Into the silence, création 2024 Yuval Pick © Honorine Reussard - CCNR



Choreography: Yuval Pick
Choreographic assistant: Sharon Eskenazi
Dancers: Noémie De Almeida Ferreira and Madoka Kobayashi
Music: in progress
Lighting: Sébastien Lefèvre
Costumes: Gabrielle Marty

Length: 25-30 min


Choreography: Yuval Pick
Choreographic assistant: Sharon Eskenazi
Dancer: Guillaume Forestier
Music: in progress
Lighting: Sébastien Lefèvre
Costumes: Gabrielle Marty

Length: 20-25 min

Production: CCNR/Yuval Pick

Coproduction: Scenario Pubblico — Compagnia Zappalà Danza, Catania (Italy) ; 
Residencies: L’Échappée — Médiathèque de Rillieux-la-Pape… (in progress)

Photo: Honorine Reussard



October 25, 2024
Ecomuseo Mare Memoria Viva, Palermo (Italy), as part of Prima Onda Festival
Première / with the support of the Institut Français et the Métropole de Lyon
October 19 + 20, 2024
Scenario Pubblico — Compagnia Zappalà Danza, Catania (Italy)
Previews / With the support of French Institute and Lyon Metropole

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