Acta est

The primary focus of my work is the idea of the collective, or group: how it forms, how individuals interact with it, what shared space it defines.

As someone who was born abroad and now lives in France, I pay particular attention to the idea of belonging to a place, to a human group. Here in France, I am very intrigued by the absence of symbols shared by all, because I know that as social creatures, we have a basic need to gather around symbols. Do they still exist? Is it possible to reinvent them?

In this piece I aim to create, with the five dancers in my company, something that unites us in a given space, on our scale, starting from each individual’s unique aspects. The process interweaves two converging dynamics: sound, whose source is in the collective memory; and choreography, based on a search for movement around the body and the line, which I view as an archaic form.

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Le Monde

Rosita Boisseau
January 2018

“The theme of the group is always at the heart of Yuval Pick’s work, and he beats a rhythm of different intensities that finally unite in a fireworks display of trembling hands and vibrant bursts.”

Amélie Blaustein Niddam 
January 2018

“A jubilant piece with dynamics that both oppose and unite. A challenging proposition and one that is fascinating to get caught up in.”

Around the creation

Trailer of
Acta est fabula

Acta est fabula, Yuval Pick © Laurent Philippe 2018
Acta est fabula, Yuval Pick © Laurent Philippe 2018
Acta est fabula, Yuval Pick © Laurent Philippe 2018


Choreography: Yuval Pick
Choreographic assistant: Sharon Eskenazi
Dancers: Noémie De Almeida Ferreira, Madoka Kobayashi
Thibault Desaules, Adrien Martins, Guillaume Forestier
Sound creation: Max Bruckert, Olivier Renouf
Assisted by: Clément Hubert

Lighting: Sébastien Lefèvre
Set design: Bénédicte Jolys
Costumes: Ettore Lombardi
assisté de : Paul Andriamanana
Vocal work: Guilhem Lacroux, Myriam Djemour,
Regard extérieur, Michel Raskine

With thanks to: Mike Alfreds

Produced by: CCNR/Yuval Pick

Coproduced by: Chaillot – Théâtre National de la Danse
With the support of: KLAP Maison pour la danse à Marseille

Length: 1 hour

Photos: Laurent PhilippeRomain Tissot



June 27 at 8pm + June 28, 2024 at 7pm
Le Carreau du Temple, Paris / Jogging Festival
March 29, 2024
La Manufacture — CDCN Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Bordeaux


March 12 2022 at 8:30 pm
Théâtre de Cusset


September 24 2021
Théâtre du Briançonnais (Briançon)


October 15 2019
Le Quai, CDN d'Angers
October 10 + 11 2019
ENSATT (École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Techniques du Théâtre), Lyon


November 16 2018
Freiburg Theater (Germany)
As part of France-Israel Year
October 23 2018
Youth Center, Beer Sheva (Israel)
As part of France-Israel Year
October 19 + 20 2018
Suzanne Dellal Center, Tel Aviv (Israel)
As part of the France-Israel cross Year


October 12 2018
Comédie de Saint-Étienne (France)
September 29 2018
KLAP, Maison pour la danse, Marseille
September 19 to 21 2018
Théâtre National Populaire (TNP), Villeurbanne
As part of the Lyon Dance Biennial


March 24 2018
Treize Arches, Scène conventionnée de Brive
January 9 to 12 2018
Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse, Paris
French premiere